Sunday, August 9, 2009

In Search of a Perfect Person

A few days ago I had lunch with my ex from high school, Sophia. She was once the sunshine of my life. It was childish, rather trial and error, a bit clumsy of a relationship, but I’m sure it was love. Yet after me, she never looked back. She went the mainstream and married a guy.

We had traditional chicken dishes, and since she was pregnant, she ate a lot. So funny seeing her eating passionately. She’s petite, with the bulging tummy it really made her looked cute.

“Sophia, what makes you marry Andy?” I asked.

“Why,” she laughed. “You mean that Andy is dark skinned, kind of short, and an Indonesian?”

Sophia lived in France for a while and developed a soft spot for French guys after that.

“Haha yes…” I chuckled.

“He is there, Nat. Andy is always there. I can be pretty with my best makeup on, I can be ugly fresh from a whole night sleep, I can be smart after coffee, I can be dumb over too much carbohydrate, I can be a sweetheart when my serotonin is in abundance, I can be a bitch when my period dries my estrogen, yet through it all, Andy is there. Yes he’s not French or tall or has a high-flying career at this moment, but he stays. Despite all he has the courage to marry me. Then here we are, married.” Sophia smiled at me, her light brown eyes were as pretty as I always remember. I smiled back at her.

“Nat,” she touched my hand, “when you are searching for a life partner, don’t search for a perfect person. A perfect person doesn’t need us. Choose someone who you know you can grow together with. Someone who, despite all, stays.”

Sophia was once the sunshine of my life. And that afternoon, she warmed my heart once again.


Anonymous said...

darling, aku langsung ingin memelukmu. tulisanmu caeeeeeeeeemm sekali :) (cit)

Hi, I am Nat said...

iya ayo udah lama nih kita ga pelukan.. hehe

luna said...

suka ini.

Anonymous said...

Sophia your ex, somehow brought us to the fact that nobody perfect, but yet she can happily live her life together with her husband because they accepting one another..not many couple being blessed like that...and Nat, gosh i think you got a warm heart, keep on writing, look fwd to read more :) -suzieswan-